JoST (Junior Oral Language Screening Tool)
Individually assessed, suggested for use with children whose oral language is of concern and/or who score poorly on the Record of Oral Language. Mainly targeted at Years 0 – 2, but can be used with older children whose language is of concern. Gives teachers useful information around which they can build a programme, group children appropriately for language groups, and make decisions about referral to a Speech-Language Therapist. Measures development in vocabulary, pragmatics (social language), and grammar. The main focus is on expressive language. Speech sounds are not included.
Available free online, but you will need to print out and possibly laminate resources.
Useful tool to assess language abilities of young children in English. Need to have a set of the instructions and pictures prepared before assessment. There is a recording sheet. There is also a resource of what to teach students on when they have difficulty with a particular section.