Language and Learning intervention (LLi)

The Language and Learning intervention (LLi) is a funded programme for students with severe communication difficulties aged 5–8 and their teachers. MoE Speech Language Therapists (SLTs) primarily deliver this intervention.

Learners will develop the essential language foundations to enable them to participate in learning, and teachers will be provided with the necessary professional learning and development to make changes to their own communicative behaviours in the classroom. Essential to the LLi approach is engaging teachers in reflection on their teaching and learning practice and supporting changes in teachers’ interactions.

Language and Learning intervention (LLi) on TKI


  1. LLI training is run by the SLTs. It includes the teacher, LA, RTLB (if involved) and parents (if available). Collaborative planning to develop an individual plan for each student. Training usually takes 1 - 2 days with follow-up support and monitoring from SLT.


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