Pause Prompt Praise – Tatari Tautoko Tauawhi (PPP)

Pause Prompt Praise is a set of reading tutoring strategies to help older children experiencing difficulties in learning to read. These strategies help children use all sources of information available to them when they are reading from meaningful texts.

In this programme, parent tutors are trained to recognise the types of mistake children often make in their reading (for example, omissions, substitutions, insertions) and to respond to each mistake by:

  • first pausing (to give the child time to self-correct)
  • then (if necessary) prompting appropriately
  • finally praising the child for all positive behaviours (these are listed and include “turning up for tutoring” and “a bright smile” as well as for self-corrections and all attempts).

A Te Reo version, Tatari, Tautoko, Tauawhi, was developed and trialed in the early 1990s.

Resource packs are available from  Down the Back of the Chair

Tatari Tautoko Tauawhi (teacher pack) * RESTRICTED * (Each) code:710734

Tatari Tautoko Tauawhi (Student)* RESTRICTED * (Each) code:710735

Requests for this resource should be emailed to DTBOTC Administrator at

 Pause Prompt Praise – Tatari Tautoko Tauawhi (PPP) - TKI information   
